Advertising on billboards in Jeddah

Advertising on billboards in Jeddah involuntarily attracts the eyes of a large number of people, so it really works.

Реклама в вашем городе

A significant reach of the target audience, a bright presentation of information, your advertising message catches the eye as if it is underlined in red — this is just a small list of the advantages of advertising in the metro in Jeddah and Saudi Arabia. With the right approach, this is a guaranteed way to increase sales. The results obtained will precisely meet your expectations or exceed them many times over.

Why should you order billboard advertising from us? 

  • We guarantee an individual approach and the best results;
  • We have more than 3,000 partners in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and other countries around the world;
  • We have access to global markets;
  • Our dedicated advertising specialists will be your reliable assistant;
  • We employ experts in their field.

Our billboard advertising services will help your company attract the most talented and suitable candidates. We offer a comprehensive approach that includes analyzing your business model, determining staffing needs, and developing a customized advertising strategy.

Advantages of billboard advertising:

  • Wide audience reach: Billboards are located on open road sections, making them visible to a large number of people;
  • Duration of contact: People usually spend some time in traffic or stop at a traffic light, giving them the opportunity to see billboard ads for an extended period;

  • Visual impact: Billboards provide an opportunity to use bright and attractive images that grab attention and spark interest;

  • Durability: Billboards often have a long service life, and their content can remain unchanged for an extended period;

  • Geographic specification: Billboards can be placed in specific locations to reach a target audience in particular geographic areas;
  • Low cost per contact: Compared to other types of advertising, billboard advertising can be relatively inexpensive;

  • Long-lasting impact: Billboards can remain in memory for a long time;
  • Potential to increase brand recognition: Billboards allow you to attract attention to your brand and create a sense of large-scale presence;

Examples of effective billboard advertising placements:

Call us at 8 (800) 600-74-71 or email us at We will help you choose the most advantageous offer.

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